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FLAGS National Active Support Unit

Birmingham Pride

23rd May 2015

FLAGS is delighted to once again be taking part in Birmingham Pride. Last year it was a massive success we had a good time!

Confirmed plans for the day

9:30-11:00 - meeting for breakfast at Premier Inn Birmingham Waterloo Street (8 Waterloo Street, Birmingham, B2 5PG) see map below

11:00 - Leave hotel and walk up to Victoria Square

12:00 - Parade commences from Victoria square down New street and along the route to Hurst Street

14:00 - Refreshments at Loft Lounge (once parade has finished)

Enjoy the festival

We have the main banner making its first time appearance to pride this year along with the pride signs, can I request that everyone wears their purple iscout tshirts along with your rainbow FLAGS neckers.

Accommodation is available at a Scout hut in Selly Oak Park. Click Here to Book.

Tickets to enter the gay village are available from http://www.birminghampride.com

This event is being coordinated by Russell Finemoore-Grove (07817 888153) and Tom Wheeler. Please contact Tom Wheeler for more information.

Facebook Link - https://www.facebook.com/events/1410046459307713/
