Get Involved
Join the Adventure...
Scouting is all about having fun, making friends and learning new skills. We aim to help young people reach their full potential as active members of the community, who are self-reliant, caring, responsible and committed. Along the way we provide opportunities for adventure, fun and challenge.
Scouting is open to all young people, girls and boys, aged 6 to 25, of every faith and background. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders, Assistant or Administrators. There are different groups catering for the different levels of programme in every area.
As a FLAGS Unit Member, you will have the opportunity for:
activities, camps and events - throughout the year to assist with your ongoing training and development.
take part in local Pride events across the UK to support Scouting and your local LGBT community.
providing Active Support to The Scout Association in various ways;
involvement with the Diversity Projects, and
support from fellow FLAGS Unit members.
Who can join?
We have an open door and fully integrating remit, anyone over the age of 18 is welcome to join the group. You do not need to be LGBT to join, allies are more than welcome. You do not need to be a member of The Scout Association or Scouting in any other capacity and you can to join FLAGS only if you wish. You also do not need permission from your local area in Scouting to join FLAGS.
How much does it cost?
The annual Unit Membership subscription is currently £10 per year and is payable on joining and then annual by the 1st April each year. Payment is made via Paypal using your debit or credit card.
How do I join the unit?
Joining the unit couldn't be simpler, if you are a UK resident and over the age of 18 you simply need to complete an Adult Information Form. Please ensure you complete the form in full, including two references. Once you have returned the form to we will request references and then process your membership. Once we have received your references we will request payment of membership fees, and let you know how you can get involved in the unit.
Join Us...
complete the form below, to register your interest in joining FLAGS, and one of the team will be in contact. Alternatively, complete the Adult Information Form and return to