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FLAGS National Active Support Unit

Pride Scotia, Edinburgh

20th June 2015

Once again this year Scouts Scotland will be taking part in Pride Edinburgh and we are looking for volunteers to get involved and celebrate the inclusivity of Scouting in Scotland.

The event starts with a procession from the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood at 11.30am and heads up the ancient Royal Mile towards the City Chambers before heading towards Teviot Row and the University where the Pride Festival will take place.

The festival includes a whole range of live entertainment and the Health and Community Fair which allows us the opportunity to promote Scouting in Scotland as a welcoming and inclusive organisation which is as diverse as the communities in which we live.

Pride Edinburgh is Scotland's National LGBTI Festival. It was relaunched in 2015. This year celebrates 20 years since Pride began in Scotland with the first ever festival taking place in Edinburgh back in 1995. Pride Edinburgh has a March and a Community Based Festival to celebrate diversity and personal identity. The traditional Pride procession provides a platform for politicians, community activists, and, most importantly, individuals to turn out to walk through the streets of Edinburgh to celebrate Pride. The Festival has LIVE Music, Health and Community Fair and lots more. Pride Edinburgh takes place in Edinburgh every year.

If you are interested in attending the event and supporting Scouts Scotland then please send an email with ‘Pride Edinburgh’ in the subject line to shq@scouts.scot and we will be back in touch at the start of June with further information.

Facebook Event - https://www.facebook.com/events/944079842280654/
