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FLAGS National Active Support Unit

Alternative Monopoly Run - LONDON

3rd - 5th July 2015

Ever wanted to visit all the places on the Monopoly board?

Well now you can.

You attend all of the locations on the standard London Monopoly Board, along with a host of other challenges along the way to keep you entertained! Not only do you attend the coloured streets, you must attend the Railways Stations, the Utilities and be creative with Chance, Community Chest & of course the famous playing pieces. The event is ran by a a friend of FLAGS - Lee Wells and is raising funds for young people to attend Japan 2015 and completing their Explorer Belt.

There are various awards and prizes to be won by teams competing in each level.

  • Fastest Time
  • Most Challenges Completed (scored on points)
  • Best Picture (submit your most interesting, crazy, unusual picture)

We're looking for a team of five people, as well as a couple of people to join the staff team for the weekend. The event is fully catered and costs £24, indoor accommodation is an additional £5.

To book ... by 31st March 2015.

Bookings MUST be made via the booking system - watch out for a Monopoly Event email, or click here.

To confirm your place, please make a transfer of £24.00 to Lloyds Bank, 30-90-66, 52810460.

If you would like to be staff, please email Michael manager@flagscouts.org.uk
