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FLAGS National Active Support Unit

Alternative Monopoly Run

3rd - 5th July 2015

Alternative Monopoly Run

This year we will be entering teams into the annual London Monopoly Run. This year its raising money for young people attending WSJ in Japan. This year we are looking for participants and staff, and we hope that we will have FLAGS as the winning team. More details about the event can be found here. - www.alternativemonopolyrun.org.uk

Find out more on Facebook or via our website.

Costs - £24

Main Contact – Michael Preston (manager@flagscouts.org.uk - 07921 550558)

Meeting Point and Time – Scout Park, Haringey @ 6pm

Booking - To confirm your place, please make a transfer of £24.00 to Lloyds Bank, 30-90-66, 52810460. If you would like to be staff, please email Michael.
