Youth Commissioner Named
21st October 2014

The Management Team and Members of FLAGS are very pleased with The Scout Associations new appointment of its Youth Commissioner Team - and would like to further endorse this great move - congratulations Hannah Kentish, Jagz Bharth and Jay Thompson - the team shows the diversity of Scouting in the UK.
Below is a release from The Scout Association
A 21-year-old has been appointed to lead adventure for over 400,000 young people at The Scout Association.
In the new role of UK Youth Commissioner, Hannah Kentish is at the helm of the UK’s largest mixed youth movement. She’s tasked with making sure that UK Scouting listens to young people’s voices and delivers what they really want. Working alongside Chief Scout Bear Grylls, the Chief Executive and UK Chief Commissioner, Hannah will help the movement achieve its ambition to be even more youth-shaped.
Up for the challenge
Hannah has been involved in Scouting for many years and took on her first leadership role at 16. She is passionate about the impact Scouts has on young people’s lives, saying: 'Being part of Scouts changes lives forever; it certainly changed mine, giving me confidence I never knew I had. Over the next three years I look forward to working to give even more Scouts the opportunity to be heard and, ultimately, to experience Scouting to the fullest.'
Hannah will be supported by two deputies for her three-year appointment: Jagz Bharth, an 18-year-old Queen Scout from Enfield, and Jay Thompson, a 21-year-old Queen’s Scout and Scout Network member from the Isle of Man.
The team will work to make sure that the life-changing experiences Scouting provides are available to all young people. They will also devise ways for young people across the UK to contribute to decision-making at every level, including setting up a National Youth Council.
New chapter
Wayne Bulpitt, UK Chief Commissioner, welcomes Hannah, Jagz and Jay: 'Having a movement that is shaped by young people in partnership with adults is at the heart of what Scouting is all about, and I am delighted to welcome Hannah and her deputies Jagz, and Jay onto the national leadership team today. They are all incredibly passionate about Scouting and bring unique qualities and experience to the team. I look forward to working with them all as we begin this new and exciting chapter in our history.'
Chief Scout Bear Grylls commented on Hannah’s appointment: 'I’m so proud to welcome Hannah on board. She brings amazing enthusiasm, rich experience and positive energy to our work in changing young people’s lives in all communities across the UK. We’re 100% committed to making sure everything we do is shaped by young people - and Hannah is there to lead and steer that.'