Feedback from Unit Camp
29th May 2015

FLAGS Camp – March 2015
On a rather cold and muddy weekend in March FLAGS Members arrived at Rough Close campsite, near Coventry, for their annual camp. There were some familiar faces, and some totally new- but all were welcome. The Friday night started with a rather emotional film ‘The Pride’. Cue many status updates/tweets about the funniest quotes from the film. The next morning Jack ran some fantastic water-related games where we found out that we are not the most co-ordinated bunch with passing water balloons in opposite directions around a circle being completely beyond some members. The rest of the day consisted of some programme ideas as to how we could better support the members of the movement, some climbing and archery, and a visit from the Specialist Advisors for Inclusion and Diversity who shared the work they are currently doing. Sunday was a workshop on the Stonewall Role Models programme and our own personal role models. All too soon it was time to leave, with thoughts already turning to the camp next year.
After camp we conducted a survey:
What you thought about it?
You thought that FLAGS camp should be an opportunity to meet with friends old and new, to link with our members; and if new to FLAGS find out more about us.
What we have learnt?
We’ve learnt that you want more activities, more opportunities to socialise and generally less powerpoints! In short- more fun, activity and adventure!
Some of what we’ve done with your feedback (we haven’t quite had time to address all your points yet)?
Programme Ideas and Suggestions
Diversity wordsearch already piloted at Big Camp in Yorkshire
Further ideas to be piloted at Gilwell 24
Looking in conjunction at HQ with developing programme ideas for member resources online
Engagement with CCs/RCs
Contacting HQ to see if we can attend any Regional Commissioner days- how we can engage at this level to increase our reach.
Make it easier to contact each other
Membership renewal this year has asked you if you are happy to be part of FLAGS membership database and have that information shared amongst members
Socials need to have a local focus
We have put into place a plan to have socials in Leeds, London, Bristol and Birmingham September- November of this year. If you want input into the organisation committee get in touch. If you want to organise a local social to you- let us know if you need support. An Isle of Man social was recently very successful!
Attend events as ‘staff members’ and not just running stalls/promoting our activities
We will be attending Wintercamp 2016 in this capacity, and there could also be a potential for Essex Jamboree involvement.
The outcomes for monthly HQ and SAID calls should be shared
See Mike’s latest blog…
Pride Engagement- You asked for…
Growing visibility at London Pride
- We’re working with the Youth Commissioners, and the County Commissioners in London to help raise the profile of London Pride and encourage more adults and young people to get involved. We have also added a FaceBook Group to encourage people to network ahead of the event.
Feedback on Pride Success
We have developed the Event Evaluation Form – which will be used for all events to capture this information.
Use Explorers and Scout Network to boost attendance
Plans to increase YP attendance at London this year- and build upon what was started last year.
More transparency regarding membership
Once membership renewal has occurred we can give a breakdown as to how many members we now have. We are using our event management system Constant Contact to record who attends which events so we will have much better data on engagement of our members
FLAGS Camp 2016
We’ve already started thinking about camp next year, and how we make it better. We are looking at indoor accommodation and a site that provides more activities.